Physician Compensation Report 2022: Incomes Gain, Pay Gaps Remain

Medscape just published its 2022 report for physician’s compensation. There is the same usual stuff like surgical specialists and male physicians making more money, but I was looking for something else. Here is my take: 

  1. We made more money due robust 4th quarter. Everyone made more money than the previous year (2020) 
  2. Males earned 25% more in Primary care and 31% in the surgical specialty (But the gap is closing due to more females getting into sub-specialty).
  3. 36% of doctors take extra work to supplement their income. 
  4. 73% physicians said they would choose medicine again compared to 69% in 2011
  5. Who are the most unlikely to choose the same specialty again? 

Question 1.: What factors keep up happy and satisfied? What is the most rewarding part of our job? Making money came distant fourth. Not surprisingly, gratitude was still the highest, but it has dropped 5% from 2017. 

Question 2; What do we find the most challenging? These factors will make one unhappy, so watch out for those unhappiness indicators. This year doctors did not find the risk of getting COVID as challenging. Still, we hate too many rules and difficult patients. 

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