News Summary

The Resilient Prescription

The Resilient Prescription

His disgruntled employee shot Dr. Charney, a psychiatrist, and dean of the Icahn School of Medicine, and he survived. He is well known in the fields of resilience. He had to apply and use his own medicine. He decided to continue his activity, including speaking at the...

Empty Pews are an American Public Health Crisis

Empty Pews are an American Public Health Crisis

This article in Christianity Today is authored by the Director of the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard University.In 2011, Barna group found that 43% of Americans attended religious services weekly with a subsequent drop to 29% in February 2020. Due to the onset...

Meet the Least Happy People in America

In its Office Pulse survey, Captivate Network, a media solutions company, says it uncovered "profiles of the happiest and unhappiest workers." Here is the profile of the Happiest persons list:  · Male, around 39 years old, Married · Household income...

Proven Benefits of Happiness

One website for all happiness source is I have mentioned some of the benefits earlier but this article describes the proven and well-studied benefits of happiness. 1. Healthy heart: studies have linked happiness with...

Doctors lose Compassion for Vaccine Refusers

We were dreaming of that beautiful fall wedding celebration or a vacation, but our plan has changed. Delta wave has put an unnecessary burden on healthcare workers. Are you Mad? Exhausted? Scared? Disappointed? Or probably all of the above. Dr. Karkowsky expresses in...

MD Jailed for Road Rage and Career Spirals Downhill

When was the last time you got angry and thought you would lose it all? Dr. Maag, in this Medscape article, talks about how his impulsivity and anger ruined a nice day. It’s a chilling story with a good deal of confession by this doctor. He got into road rage with a...

The Four Attitudes of Resilient Medical Families

In the Medscape article by Wayne Sotile, Ph.D., these medical families frequently use these four attitudes to come out of difficult times. Meaning: suffering without understanding its importance brings unhappiness. Wonderment: that capacity for seeing the...