More than 30% of adults said they expect to experience more stress this holiday season than the last, with half worried about affording holiday gifts. Yet adults were also less worried about spreading or contracting COVID-19 at a holiday gathering than last year. The findings are the latest from APA’s Healthy Minds Monthly Poll.
Younger adults and those making less than $50,000 were more likely to express worry about affording gifts and holiday meals over the holidays. Further, parents (39%) were more likely than respondents who were not parents (27%) to say they anticipated experiencing more stress this holiday season compared with last year.
Respondents were asked to consider what they looked forward to most during the holidays, including seeing family and friends, eating good food, taking time off, giving and receiving gifts, and more. Most adults (47%) said they looked forward to seeing family and friends this holiday season.
This Mayo Clinic Website has good suggestions for managing holiday stress.